
Labor & Employment Legal Update

Please join us for a complimentary Labor & Employment Breakfast Seminar. This course will cover the major state and federal laws affecting labor and employment law.

DATE:                     Friday, November 13, 2015


8:00 – 8:45 a.m.           Breakfast, Registration and Networking
8:45 – 8:50 a.m.           Introduction
8:50 – 9:15 a.m.           Legal Update: Case Decisions, Laws and Regulations
9:15 – 9:45 a.m.           Changing Scope of “White Collar” Overtime Exemptions
9:45 – 10:15 a.m.        Employee Handbooks – Pay Attention to the NLRB
10:15 – 10:30 a.m.       BREAK
10:30 – 11:00 a.m.       Top Ten Pitfalls for Employers
11:00 – 11:30 a.m.        Protecting Confidential Company Information
11:30 – 11:45 a.m.        Questions


  • Members of the Archer Labor and Employment Law Department
  • Opening Remarks and Introduction by Peter L. Frattarelli — Chairperson of Archer’s Labor and Employment Law Department


  • HR Certification Institute – Pending Pre-Approval for 2.75 (General) recertification credit hours.
  • New Jersey CLE: 3.2 credits requested (General)
  • Pennsylvania CLE: 2.5 credits requested (Substantive)


Legal Update: Case Decisions, Laws and Regulations
Peter L. Frattarelli, Esquire

Every year, courts and administrative bodies issue influential and often far-reaching decisions in the field of labor and employment law.  This past year has been no exception.  This presentation will highlight the key case decisions from state and federal courts and administrative agencies, as well as offer updates on new federal and state laws and regulations that will impact your business.

Changing Scope of “White Collar” Overtime Exemptions
Tracy A. Wolak, Esquire

In June 2015, the U.S. Department of Labor proposed overhauls to the so-called “white collar” overtime regulations, which, if adopted by the USDOL, would dramatically increase the number of otherwise-exempt employees entitled to overtime.  This presentation will summarize the current regulations, review the proposed changes, and offer guidance for employers on how to prepare for the anticipated revisions.

Employee Handbooks – Pay Attention to the NLRB
Patrick J. Doran, Esquire

The National Labor Relations Board in a series of recent decisions has imposed significant restrictions on many important employer policies in employee handbooks, including confidentiality and social media policies, for both union and non-union employers.  This presentation will review the NLRB decisions and also highlight the policies in employer handbooks that should be revisited in light of these recent decisions.

Top Ten Pitfalls for Employers
David A. Rapuano, Esquire

Employers (and their human resources professionals) face a multitude of complex, over-lapping and diverse laws and regulations, which can baffle even the most seasoned professional, from the nuanced interplay between leave and disability laws to the myriad of wage and hour rules. This presentation will provide an overview of what Archer’s attorneys have found to be the Top Ten Pitfalls for employers, and also offer advice on how to avoid them.

Protecting Confidential Company Information
Douglas Diaz, Esquire

Employers routinely face the risk of their confidential information being at risk, whether by terminated employees, competitors, or even current employees plotting their own lawsuits.  This presentation will explain what employers can, and cannot do, to protect their vital information, including the latest rules for protecting electronic information.

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